SGIMBC Member Newsletter Spring/Summer 2022

In this edition:

  • 2022 Annual General Meeting Update
  • Billing Correct Fee Codes
  • Potential Fee Code Reduction
  • Fee Code Updates
  • MSP Audit of GIM Members
  • GIM Leadership Awards
  • Member Forum
  • Gender Disparity Town Hall
  • SGIMBC Priorities Update
  • Practice Updates

2022 Annual General Meeting Update

After careful consideration the SGIMBC Executive have decided to postpone the AGM until early 2023.

If you have any items or topics you would like to see added to the Agenda, or a CME session topic that you would like to present, please email Further details will be posted and emailed to members as they are confirmed. Please ensure your email address on file is up to date. Please send any updates to

Click here for general AGM information

Billing Correct Fee Codes

CSIM did a survey of GIM physicians across Canada during the summer and that data was presented during the annual CSIM meeting in Victoria. It showed that there is variation on billing codes used by different GIM physicians for one particular patient scenario in BC,  indicating some of you may be billing incorrectly. By billing incorrect fee codes, our members are either reducing their remuneration or exposing themselves to possible clawbacks by MSP in future audits.

SGIMBC will host a presentation on billing for GIM physicians at our next AGM. We encourage all our members to make every effort to attend to learn more about these critical issues.

SGIMBC Advocacy

Potential Fee Code Reduction

MSP informed us in early October that we are over budget by about half a million dollars on two of our GIM fee codes. We have to come up with that money or our fee codes will be reduced. We will discuss this at our upcoming AGM and welcome everyone’s input on possible solutions.

Fee Code Updates

Due to the SGIMBC Executive’s ongoing efforts, members once again received a retro payment with their Sept 29th remittance. It appears as Adjustment Code 80 and corresponds to an increase in the value of the 311/32271 ($285.81; increased from $277.78 retroactive to Apr 1, 2021). We chose to apply the increase to the complex consult as it remains our only permanent fee code.

This is another step towards correcting the disparity amongst physicians in our province and recognizing the value GIM provides.
Click here for further information.

MSP Audit of GIM Members

MSP completed an audit of one of our GIM colleagues. MSP brought a tertiary care subspecialist to audit a community GIM physician. We believe that this is not right and it should have been done by a community GIM physician.

More importantly, MSP is taking a position that when we are billing 311 fee codes, all the billed conditions have to be “active” otherwise they are not going to pay for it. They are asking for a refund plus interest for the last 5 years on those billings. They are not defining what “active” means and they say they will judge it case by case.

We believe it is subjective and should not be acceptable to us. It will expose a lot of our colleagues to audits and potentially unnecessary penalties in the future. This is a very important issue that will be discussed at our AGM in the new year. 

Society of General Internal Medicine of BC
SGIMBC Advocacy

GIM Leadership Awards

The SGIMBC continues to recognize general internists across the province who are taking leadership roles in their health authority or in the province. For 2022 we have modified our awards to better acknowledge the breadth of leadership possibilities for GIM.

Nominations were due by 11:59pm PST on July 31st, 2022. Winners will be announced at the next AGM and highlighted in the subsequent SGIMBC Newsletter.

Click here to learn more.

Member Forum

One of the SGIM’s objectives is to support continued communication among our members, to ensure we continue to strengthen our community by sharing information and guidance. To this end, we have created a private discussion forum for SGIMBC members only. Here there can be GIM specific conversations related to any topic that affects our community such as practice-based questions, locums available, billing questions (a separate billing forum may be established in the future if billing questions start to drown out other topics), etc.
If you’d like to participate, please click here to find out how to join in the discussion.

Gender Disparity Town Hall

As a commitment to address equity issues, we have started to explore gender-based disparities in GIM billings. Preliminary data review has identified some pay gaps between men and women. SGIMBC will hold an open forum with members this winter to discuss the data and strategies to address gender-based disparities.

If you would like to be involved in the planning process, please email .

Society of General Internal Medicine of BC
SGIMBC Advocacy

SGIMBC Priorities Update

We received your feedback from the 2021 Membership survey about wanting to increase the public’s understanding of our practice and field. To that end we have looked to hire a local PR firm to establish a practical communications plan to increase visibility and knowledge of GIM. We will be continuing to discuss goals, budgets and applications as we move forward.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, please email

Practice Updates

INVICTUS – Rivaroxaban in Rheumatic Heart Disease-Associated Atrial Fibrillation

Among patients with rheumatic heart disease-associated atrial fibrillation, vitamin K antagonist therapy led to a lower rate of a composite of cardiovascular events or death than rivaroxaban therapy, without a higher rate of bleeding.

META-ANALYSIS – Magnesium sulfate for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Intravenous magnesium sulfate may be associated with fewer hospital admissions, reduced length of hospital stay and improved dyspnoea scores compared to placebo.